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PFAM Carnival: Is Help a Four Letter Word?

Thumbnail image for PFAM Carnival: Is Help a Four Letter Word?

Welcome to the PFAM’s Blog Carnival! I am very excited to host this edition with the theme: “Is Help A Four Letter Word?” There was an amazing response and I’ve discovered a number of blogs I’ll be sure to follow (and hope you will too).
A good place to start with our theme [...]

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Asking For Help Can Be Hard To Do

Thumbnail image for Asking For Help Can Be Hard To Do

“Why don’t you just ask me to open it?” During the early days of my injury, this was something I hated to hear whenever I needed a bottle, jar, or even a heavy door opened. Asking for help felt like I’d be a bother and I was letting my pain win—as if I was [...]

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Pain: what does guilt have to do with it?

Thumbnail image for Pain: what does guilt have to do with it?

Feelings of guilt are familiar to people who suffer from chronic pain. In this post I hope to update you on what science has to say about this all too common feeling.
What is guilt exactly?
Guilt is a complex emotion, and scientists have many views of it, depending their area of expertise. Researchers Hochwarter and Byrne [...]

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