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6 Letters to Help Your Doctor Better Diagnose Your Pain

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I like to come prepared to a doctor’s appointment to make the process easier and better for both me and my doctor.
To make sure I don’t miss any crucial information that might help my doctor to diagnose my pain, I like to use this memory aid: L-O-C-A-T-E.
L is for location of the pain.
O is [...]

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Get the Facts About Musculoskeletal Pain

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This year the International Association for the Study of Pain launched the 2010 initiative on musculoskeletal pain research and advocasy. To learn further about musculoskeletal pain and evidence based treatment options, check out their free fact sheets. You’ll find information on fibromyalgia, multiple approaches to relieving chronic pain, exercise tips, and more.

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A Cup of Tea Can Help Pain Go Away

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My grandmother used to encourage me to drink mint or lemon tea whenever I caught a cold as a child. Consequently, I came to see a warm cup of tea as a comforting way to combat the pain of a sore throat. It seems my grandmother was onto something, because recent research suggests that a [...]

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Your Doctor’s Empathy Effects Pain Treatment

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Walking out of my doctor’s office, I paused and wondered if he really understood how much pain I am feeling every day. I’ve had the same feeling with family and friends: I can talk to them about what I feel, but without them feeling the same physical sensations, can they really understand what I [...]

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